Week 10

Week 10

Lecture: This is week 10 lecture class, today lecturer teach us what is S.E.O? S.E.O is Search Engine Optimization, it is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO are actually is quite simple and is worth the effort. It got 57.8% of all web traffic coming from google, it certainly something worth learning. SEO is important because it's the process oif boosting these signals to rank higher in the organic search results. SEO leads to more traffic, it was ranking higher usually drives more traffic to website. 

Practical & Tutorial: On today work, we need to find a client to create a new website fro them. We need to build a client website. Whether it already has website or not, our project is to create a new website. This project is a group project, 2 person a group, therefore I was group with Xiao Hua. As usual, before we find client to contact with them, we need to search references first. After discussion, we aim to find a client is involved in cake business, therefore we search several different cake business website as our references. We choose 2 cake website as our references which is Cake Lab and Lacherpatisserie, both of these cake business has already on market for many years, and has some popularity.

Cake Lab Logo

Cake Images

Lacherpatisserie Logo

Cake Images


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