Week 4

Week 4

Lecture: The topic of the week four lesson is how to use photos to build a visually appealing website layout. Selecting high-quality website images can significantly influence a website. It can be a very effective tool for audience connection and communication.

More about the kinds of photographs to utilise on websites has been covered by the lecturer. The logo is shown in the first picture. This brand icon need to show up in the same place on each page. It makes use of current trends in logo design, like logo animation.

Photos are the second kind of images; they might include inanimate or hostile objects.

Illustrations make up the third category of images. These enable uniqueness and customisation.

Infographics, tables, and charts make up the final category of images. Visual data representations are frequently very successful in conveying otherwise difficult information.

In addition, the lecturer discusses how to select the right kind of photographs. Include compelling, impactful images on the main page and other landing pages that make the website's goal clear and entice visitors to explore more. 

Practical & Turotial: On week 4, after finish the website banner design, lecturer ask us to design a resume. This resume can help us to put in website and the purpose of it is to list out the skill we have and the information of ourself. This resume also can help us when we are looking for job, can send this resume to the company for interview. Therefore, as always I have found some references of resume design.

This are the references of resume. The overall design is very simple, do not have many design elements, this is beacause the important of a resume is to let people see the information. The design of resume is not important as the information of ourself. Therefore, I will apply the references I have found into my resume design, heres are the sketches I have draw.


After finish sketches drawing, I started my digital design.

Digital Design

Overall design is very simple as I found the references on pinterest. Its focus more on the information and the size of the font. Big font can let people see more clearly, the color is only black and white and also my picture is on the resume. Thats all the resume design.


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